Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A 2016 Election Plea

Every comment section I look at nowadays is full of Democratic Party intramural squabbling. So. If I may:

Jesus Insane Amphibious Christ wearing a teddy, fucking fuck, we are so good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Typical D circular firing squad. No wonder I hate people!

First of all, if you like Sen. Sanders, vote Sen. Sanders. If you like Sec'y Clinton, vote Sec'y Clinton. And then vote for whoever wins the primary. 

Driftglass' Law - Imma vote for Sanders in the primary, then for whoever he tells me to in the general. 
paleo's Addendum: I suspect it's not going to be Donald J Fucking Trump, accidental pregnancy as a result of anal sex Ted Cruz, or Marky Mark, the World's Oldest Justin Bieber Cosplayer.

Calling Sen. Sanders a starry-eyed unicorn fucker and hypocrite, on guns, whatever, ignores that fact that Senate proposals are very craftily made to screw all of us, and any Senator interested in the people needs to be nuanced, and make some lousy votes because the perfect is the enemy of the good. 

Hating Sec'y Clinton means you're responding to 25 years of smears by right-wing filth. She's a politician, not Vlad the Impaler.

Expecting either of them to work miracles ignores the fact that the President is not a dictator, and he/she will not have free rein. See: 
Motherfucking gerrymandering.

Second, either of them is more likely to respond to our applied pressure than any filthy RWNJ, who will not give a molecular shit.

We have to vote locally, and for legislatures and governorships, and then we have to keep fighting. 
Every. Single. Goddamn. Day. 

Every day, think of a good way to take a ten ton press (with votes) to the shit-filled melons of the Filth Party. 
Every day, think of a good way to keep the pressure on the people we elect to work our issues. If they know they won't get any pushback, anyone of them, they do dumbass things.

And THINK. Use your damn heads.


  1. Come sit with me, and bring the scotch.



  2. I'll just give a shoutout to Duncan Black for saying what I keep saying.

    None of these elections would be close if our Dems would do right by their voters.

    But they consider their voters chumps. And they want to get rich off that sweet corporate graft instead.

    Here's good ol' Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

    More Democrats are taking another swipe at the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, this time coming to the rescue of that downtrodden and unfortunate group of billionaires known as payday lenders. The leader of the effort, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman Schultz, thinks it’s just fine and dandy to give desperate borrowers interest rates of 312 percent ’cuz that’s what her campaign contributors do in Florida, where Burmese pythons rule the Everglades and snakes of an entirely different kind slither in to donate to members of Congress.
