Sunday, July 21, 2013


Order of business: we have additions to our list of achievers.

The Political Environment, seems generally Wisconsin focused (and, as I am a lonely outpost of cheesehead in the godforsaken state of Minnesota, I still pay attention), and appears to be a fresh new rabbithole for me to crawl down. Via ZRM

the portfolio of Mike Pleiss, an artist of my acquaintance and a helluva good guy. This is not a sales pitch for him, I am not certain he is doing much more than showing his stuff and getting his name out right now, but there is contact information. I think he has a lot of good stuff there, one of which he made as a woodcut for my wife and I as a wedding gift. Give it a look if you like!


  1. I knew several people in the Norquist Admin, and did a few things for them. I wonder if I met James R, the author of that blog?

  2. I noticed you never acknowledged my comment on the kitteh post.

    Our kittehs are bereft and forlorn.

  3. Bereft and Forlorn is the name of my Conor Oberst tribute band.

    Princess Monster Truck FTW, Cat Scabies is what I call my morning hairdo.
