Sunday, May 12, 2013

The NRA Have Yet More Blood On Their Hands.

Via Think Progress

You know what? I'm willing to deal here. You can keep your metallic phalluses as soon as EVERY MEMBER OF THE NRA IS TRIED AND JAILED.

Wayne LaPierre gets exorcised, then TRIED AND JAILED.

God damn these sick bastards.


  1. As I said at a shittier blog: "on with the body count".

    1. Every damn day, especially Cesca (who I think links from Driftglass) has another complete stupidity - 5 year old shot by 8 year old, man with assault rifle holding unknown family, maybe his, hostage. Shooting up a Mother's Day parade?

      Jesus fuggit, apocalypse nao, pleez.

  2. The NRA will use this one to agitate for access to full auto weapons, because they OBVIOUSLY didn't have enough firepower. No one died! How inadequate they must feel.

    1. Shorter Right Wing/Fox

      "Blah blah handguns, wevs, howzabout something interesting!"

  3. someone somewhere was navel-gazing about how the 3-d printed gun was letting the genie out of the bottle and now the WORLD HAD CHANGED; and all I could think was it's a fuck of a lot harder to get your hands on a 3-D printer (not to mention the hours it takes to make a gun) than it is to drive down to a gun show, there's one every weekend, and just pick a gun out.

    And much lower likelihood of it blowing up in your hands.

    And easy to obtain gun with little to no background info? How long has it been since THAT was something new?

    1. I don't know the first damn thing about 3-D printers, but yeah, that would be my first thought, unless they mythbuster it up with duct tape.

  4. And car accidents. And the people who survive guns &/or cars but are still scarred/screwed up for life. There's a lotta death & worse that could be avoided. If not prevented.

    1. So let's do it. Seriously. And it's the same people - the jackholes in pickups with KC lamps: confederate battle flag license plate holders; soundtrack from the original cast version of Wicked; cupholder filled with condoms, new and used, baking in the sun; cut out the cat converter for recycle and put in a glasspack; and the bed is full of empty Bud Light cans - try 'em and jail 'em.

    2. the bed is full of empty Bud Light cans - try 'em and jail 'em.

      That right there gets them the death penalty.

    3. Forgive me - I was unnecessarily complicating things.

      -Dahmer - drank Bud Light.
      -Manson - enjoyed the frequent Bud Light.
      -Osama Bin Laden - a case a day of yummy rice adjunct fucking Bud Light
      -George Bush - you guessed, 2 eight-balls a day of columbian disco dust washed down with Bud Light

    4. You should check your facts, sir.

      GWB prefers Bud Platinum. And Osama liked Bud Lime.

      Of course, OBAMANATION prefers BUD LIGHT CHELADA, but the LIBRUL MSM refuses to bring this obviously impeachable offense to light!



      Crawfish flavored?

  5. How about every single Wall Street crook, and their political enablers, is tried and jailed?

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  8. Sorry, paleo. Sometimes zombies have to shamble on. or out. or just walk into a lawnmower, whatever.

  9. Yanno, I was just made aware about how annoying it is whenever I would just come into a thread and be all Mekons Mekons Mekons when it was totally off topic. I apologize for being an asshole and I won't be coming back here to do anything of the sort ever again.

    Yeah, sorry. I couldn't help myself, and I wish things had gone differently.

    1. Ok, what in the great name of Bruce are you going on about?

    2. O, you knw, the same old zombie misery and whining. more or less. nothing to see here, move along, don't worry.

    3. FYI: Some of us vastly prefer zombie misery and whining to what we get from certain other common taters that shall go unnamed.

  10. I think Wayne needs to be fired out of a cannon, facing out over the Gulf of Mexico.
