Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Well Hell, If That's All It Takes To Be Rich And Powerful...

On today's Thom Hartmann show, he threw out a general question about corporate leaders and right wing politicians. The question being: Are sociopathic tendencies common, expected, or even required for success in the modern world of multinationals and corporations selling little more than paper and mindboggling financial 'instruments'. Certainly a lack of human empathy may be rewarded. And a corporation, for all of its supposed personhood, is by definition sociopathic, as making decisions based on the welfare of human beings is going to hurt the bottom line.

He then applied the question more specifically to Mitt Romney, who effortlessly throws out amazing whoppers, doubles down when he receives pushback, and then does a 180 the next day. We have always been at war with Eastasia. 

Rmoney has been certainly been rewarded beyond the dreams of most Amercians for having a talent in gutting companies and firing people for a maximum profit.

Concepts such as the noble lie (this is a great essay), and the Mormon White Horse Prophecy were mentioned, but neither Hartmann nor any callers mentioned two things I think might be a little illustrative.

a.) In 1978, the Mormon Church finally acknowledged that black people were, umm, you know, people. Mitt Romney was a full grown adult, and bishop in his church, when they finally came to that conclusion, after much prayer and realizing there was a whole 'nother continent to be converted and start tithing. To emphasize one more damn time, he had been raised to adulthood believing that racism was not merely just, but part of a divine plan.

2.) Mitt Romney has had family members, that he has known within his lifetime, who fled the United States for Mexico to retain the right to polygamous marriages. Specifically, multiple wives. None of that two husbands, London Bridge bullshit. Wives. "Har har har, not all of 'em can have a headache at the same time" wives. To emphasize one more damn time, they left the US to continue the tradition of treating women, literally, as cattle.*

Look, sociopath or not, regardless of his religion, Mitt Rmoney is dangerous. He has the wind-sock routine down and will do anything to get elected. His only core value is that he has no core values. Well, there are a couple, I guess. His boys will never be in the military, for one, and he himself doesn't have enough money, for a second. Oh, and dressage is a sport. Oh, and shooting public employees for sport should be in the Olympics. 

He doesn't come across as obviously twisted as Pres. George W. Footiepajamas. The Drooler was very clear in his vivid dreams of causing the Apocalypse and his Oedipal issues, and even now is persona non grata in teh Repug party - he was way too obvious. The election is gonna be scary, Willard can almost pass for human, and between the people who have short political memories because of little things like trying to survive and raise their children, and the Tea Partiers who long for the days of lynching, there are plenty of people willing to give me an ulcer.

President Obama has a tough row to hoe, especially given his tendency to fire up his base (ummm, theoretically, me) with health care reform, or DADT repeal, followed by infuriating his base (again, sort of me) with giving the insurance companies, Big Pharma, and Ben Nelson too much buy-in on health care reform or his never ending quest for a Grand Bargain on the budget with people who wouldn't let him into their country club. 

Given that Paul Krugman and Bernie Sanders are not on the ballot (I told you I'd come back to this), Imma vote for and work for President Obama for re-election. Not overjoyed about it, but he'll do for now, we have to hold his feet to the fire and prevent some of the more egregious stuff, but at least his first instinct is not to open Soylent Green factories. Willard 'Mitt' Romney is not an option.

Ah, fuck. Let's end on something fun, shall we?

*I'm actually not specifically knocking Mormons here, at least not anymore than I knock any other religion - they's all cuckoo.


  1. did you see the vid from the other day when Rmoney couldn't identify a donut?

    1. Wow...


      Found/Watched on Mediaite (Jeebus, what a schizophrenic site). Can't tell if its a brain fart or he is genuinely unfamiliar with cream-filled things with holes.

      Either way, whattaputz.

  2. In 1978, the Mormon Church finally acknowledged that black people were, umm, you know, people. Mitt Romney was a full grown adult, and bishop in his church, when they finally came to that conclusion, after much prayer and realizing there was a whole 'nother continent to be converted and start tithing

    I think it had to do more with BYU's offensive line.

    Can't tell if its a brain fart or he is genuinely unfamiliar with cream-filled things with holes.

    Notably, he didn't stay in Mexico to have multiple wives...
