Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Lets, see, checking the old inbox...Bill, 419 scam, cialis, wha...?

Dear Friends,

I am writing you today because liberal opponents of traditional
marriage have announced that
a major - George Soros - like
donor will match all donations up to $200,000 to defeat the Minnesota Marriage
Protection Amendment. This means that the assault on marriage in Minnesota is
now receiving nation-wide financial support. But, even funding like this won't
stop us from protecting marriage by putting it in our state constitution where
activist judges and politicians can't meddle with it.

These jackals are really reaching now. George Soros-like. Of course, the quasi-Soros Connection being announced in a font size than can be seen from SPACE.

This is (in part) an email I received from the Minnesota For Marriage coalition, dedicated to the proposition that gays are icky. MN has a Protect Our Bungholes From People That Make Us Worried And Slightly, Deep In Our Hearts, Kinda Tingly Amendment on the fall ballot. Right now it is about odds on one way or t'other for passage. Fudge.

At any rate, I just got a kick out of the design of this appeal, and the phraseology "George Soros - like". Their propaganda isn't merely fail, it is so unbelievably badly done! How in the hell can this be 50/50?


  1. George Soros-like.

    Parasorosolophus! Or is it Megalosoros?

  2. Or is it Megalosoros?

    That is just too damn funny!

    Ummm, Trisorostops.
    Tyrannosoros Rex.

    Famous artist Pablo Picassoros!
